What It Means: A Forrester Podcast


The age of the customer isn’t a tagline — it’s a fundamental shift in the market that is forcing companies and executives to change course. The Forrester’s What It Means podcast examines those changes, what they mean, and what executives can do about them.


The Future Of Organizations Promo

Forrester Vice President and Group Director Sharyn Leaver discusses the future of organizations — what companies will look like, how they will function, and how they’ll be managed to maximize agility and efficiency in the not-so-distant future.


Insurance Claims: A Digital Transformation

Principal Analyst Oliwia Berdak discusses how insurers can use technology and data to transform the claims process — protecting the customer and delivering bottom-line performance.

Risky Business: Startups And Security

What do seat belts and security policies have in common? They’re life-saving, simple to implement, and people frequently opt to not use them. Principal Analyst Chase Cunningham discusses the risky business of working with unsecure startups.

The Real Root Of Customer Loyalty

To build customer loyalty, companies are tempted to hop on the “I’m your best friend” bandwagon or offer up coupons. But as Principal Analysts Emily Collins and Maxie Schmidt-Subramanian explain, the root of loyalty is delivering real value to customers.